Drivivg to Mexico; Find the border and get to the other side,easy right?Of course.
San Luis Rio Colorado a border town 20ish miles from Yuma Az. I

s the doorway,, its a 70 mile drive to elGolfo,a small , poor, fishing village.Lots of farm tractors to mo

nuever around for the first 15 or so miles then its all desert and sand,lots of sand.Bring a weeks more water than you need,it would be possible

for the sand to cover 30 or more miles of the road if the weather turns and you get hours of wind(2.3.4 hours?)And well you could be there for weeks before that road gets cleared.You Will be stopped at
Mexican millitary check points along the way down and back and you will see millitary personel( machine guns and all) in El Golfo,don't kid yourself they are the law..We spent 3 days on the beach,fished in the sea of Cortez,enjoyed mas cerrvesa,many tacos
fish,carne,shrimp and enjoyed the sun.
(total miles round trip 670)