some of the back story

I left the emerald city Dec.20 2005, took I 5 south to Olympia then a short drive down 8 east to hwy 101 south. First stop Seaside Or.what a great little town on the coast,very touristy but a good spot to stop for the night.So a hotel on the water,a short walk to dinner and a nice tavern to have a few pint's and thats the end of day one.Day two never starts on time but I'm always thankful that it just simply starts at all.Another long day of twisted hwy 101 with a couple of stops for gas and a couple more stops to the side of the road that the Belair made for me and day two ended in Brookings Or.a town that's right at the Oregon/California border.A room right off the hwy across from the Mexican resteraunt that had a good carni asada and very cold Tecate was where I ended up calling it a day.Day three started out great considering it was raining extra hard (it was raining when I left the jet city and it rained the whole way,or at least untill I got to a place right outside of Hollister Ca.but I digress).oh yes day three the day the Belair started dying more often than the last two days,but a stop on the side of the road for a 5 min break and she fired right up and off we went,south to where the Sun had to be waiting.After many hours of multi speed driving and winding up,down and through the Redwood National Park and into the infamous Humbolt area and beyond led me to my days end end in San Rafael whitch is just a few miles from the San Francisco bridge.Day four starts early with a drive across the SF bridge and through down town SF back on 101 to a gas station right outside Hollister where I had to put the Belair on the back of a big flatbed tow truck where it would ride in style to my destination for the night 70 miles north of San Diego.So I stayed in the San Diego area for one day, Christmas eve.Christmas day I got on the road at about 5:30 am. south on I 15 then onto hwy 8 east and a straight shot through the desert and 6 hours later I end up in Tucson to spend Christmas in the sunshine of Arizona instead of that Jet city rain.From Tucson I border hopped in and out of Mexico(Nogalas,,San Luis,and of course Tijuana) back and forth between Arizona and California,for about 6 months...That was the way I beat winter this year,..., now what?or where?
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